Sorry I didn't update in the morning. My friend stayed the night and was following me everywhere, and I couldn't blog with her right there. She'd see and then shit would go down.
Well, here is my day.
I didn't sleep up all. My stomach was killing me from the shitty food I had had, but when 7 am rolled around, I woke her up and made her some blueberry pancakes and I ate 3 carrots.(15 calories.)
I told her I didn't like blueberry's and I am not hungry at the moment anyway. She excepted and carried on eating. This girl is only 120 something lbs, so it kinda sucks being around her, but I just look at it as thinspiration.
We kinda laid around all day and just talked about random shit. It was raining and freezing out, so the walk was canceled. BOO TO THAT! We ended up just dancing around my house, blasting music. Then my parents came home and my mom offered me this slice of pickle. It was just a little slice, the hamburger slices.I ate it, because pickles are no calories, carbs or fat. Just a lot of salt.
She got hungry around 12ish, so i cooked her a burger and made her a salad. I made myself a burger, just so she'll think I was eating it. I also grabbed 5 carrots sticks. She went to the bedroom, and I was starting to get nervous. I tried to think of a way out of eating that 'burger'. I sat down and only eat 4 carrots sticks, because I got full. (I love that, I got full off of 4 carrot sticks, only 20 calories!) She was eyeing me a bit. "You gonna eat your burger?" Before I could get anything out, she said the thing I about hugged her for saying. "Cause if you're not, I'll eat it." Then she reached out. I gladly gave it to her, saying. "Yeah, I feel kinda tried, to tried to eat much." It was true though. I was waaay to tried. Even to eat. So, after that we did about nothing, and I had just been emailing my buddy. I got even more tired, and took a nap. She then left and I continued to sleep. I actually just woke about about an hour ago.
Least I didn't eat anything! I was kind of thinking about eating a few chips. So sleeping stopped me from doing so.
That is all that happened, well so far anyway. I'll update before I go to bed lovelies.
We kinda laid around all day and just talked about random shit. It was raining and freezing out, so the walk was canceled. BOO TO THAT! We ended up just dancing around my house, blasting music. Then my parents came home and my mom offered me this slice of pickle. It was just a little slice, the hamburger slices.I ate it, because pickles are no calories, carbs or fat. Just a lot of salt.
She got hungry around 12ish, so i cooked her a burger and made her a salad. I made myself a burger, just so she'll think I was eating it. I also grabbed 5 carrots sticks. She went to the bedroom, and I was starting to get nervous. I tried to think of a way out of eating that 'burger'. I sat down and only eat 4 carrots sticks, because I got full. (I love that, I got full off of 4 carrot sticks, only 20 calories!) She was eyeing me a bit. "You gonna eat your burger?" Before I could get anything out, she said the thing I about hugged her for saying. "Cause if you're not, I'll eat it." Then she reached out. I gladly gave it to her, saying. "Yeah, I feel kinda tried, to tried to eat much." It was true though. I was waaay to tried. Even to eat. So, after that we did about nothing, and I had just been emailing my buddy. I got even more tired, and took a nap. She then left and I continued to sleep. I actually just woke about about an hour ago.
Least I didn't eat anything! I was kind of thinking about eating a few chips. So sleeping stopped me from doing so.
That is all that happened, well so far anyway. I'll update before I go to bed lovelies.
~Lots of Love, Tori~