Thursday, July 11, 2013

Update...becasue I'm FREAKING OUT WITH JOY!!!!

Sorry, just a little stoked right now, so I have to tell who ever even read this! I found this diet pill that my brother took when he lost A LOT of weight. He took it and it expanded in his stomach and he literally would go days with out eating, simply because he didn't feel hungry! I just, I'm amazed. I cannot wait to get my money now! This will help me eat less and still be able to do things, because it gives you energy. So no more weakness because of lack of whatever I'm lacking in. Mhm.....OI! I'm so fucking, just..ajhfksdhgklds!!! I cannot sit still. This will help my dieting so much more. I can take this on my fasting days or really low calorie days during the A.b.c. diet! I can finally feel relief, and actually be able to go near food. My brother, when he took the pill, would go near food and have no cravings or desire for whatever it was, rather a fruit or a big chocolate candy bar, he just felt full like 24/7. Still, this is the most brilLiam thing I have ever herd of! My mind ceases to believe it, but well, my brother speaks the truth...and I was there when he lost all the weight, I just didn't know he was taking that pill. Duuude! He would go running at night and kick boxing! See, my brother is like, my hero. So if he took it and found it okay, and lost weight and became built, then HELL YEAH I'm going to do this. I cannot wait to actually start to see the progress I'm making-even better! My brother noticing and being stunned and very proud, not ashamed to say, that 15 year old girl who's got abs and looks bad-ass, is my little sister! I herd him talking to his friends about me, he said. "She's got this kick-boxing thing down, man. Remembers combinations like that. Next year she's gonna be bad-ass." HE SAID I WOULD BE BAD-ASS!! I really cannot wait for this weight to goooo awaaaaay!! I'm so fucking anxious to even speak or sit still. Or even breath properly! O_O
Okay, so, my goals, before this school year starts, is to be 120 lbs (Less if possible), be training in kick boxing again and to be able to run at least a mile. Those are my really needed goal. I shall start my running tomorrow, kick boxing tomorrow and well, succeed with day 3 of my diet, for 120 lbs! Please, any tips you guys have, cause I know people read this, would be amaZayn! Just, pleeease! Or even just post a link to of tips page would be great. 

Weight and thinspo!

Just weighed myself. I'm 155, but I had a glass of diet coke and also a little before I had something to eat, added my calories so 498.
I'm drinking another glass of diet coke, to keep me full. I'm also watching America's Next Top Model!! These model's body's are PhenomiNiall! (Pardon me, I'm a Directioner, also a die hard Bielieber, so if I ever spell believe wrong, you know why ;P )
Well, I just thought I'd update, cause I said I would.
Here's some Thinspo, my lovely little Ana's!

“The drape loves you.”

I want that legs
Okay, now some random stuff!
 This could be you, so keep going, love! You know you want to, and can!

I like how it says “we” because it can apply to the fitblr community :)
This is something I'll do every year, on the day I weigh myself and seen my ultimate  goal weight. I'll have like, and anniversary.

Ana Boot Camp (A.B.C. diet) day 2!!!!!

So, today went excellent. I had only 465 calories. I can have 35 more, but I choose to save that for night time, I tend to get hungrier then and want to binge.
I just got back from the mall, and before hand I skated around to this place called Bosos and I got a pickle and a large water. I went with my sister, Mary. At the mall, I seen these really dope looking Penny board. Its just, dude, I'm so stoked to get it! I'm getting it when I get my money next. Should be soon. Oi, I cannot wait for this A.b.c Diet to really kick in. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 154.8 when I was 158 about a few days before, then I actually made it up to 159.2 sooo THAT GOT MY LAZY ASS BACK ON TRACK!
Any way, I'm bout to have a friend come over and board around. I also plan on going to the gym later on around, 7 maybe. It's 5:57 at the moment, so yeah.
Well, I'll weigh myself a little later, and then post my weight and other stuff. Oi, I also have some amazing thinspo, so that will also be in the next post!
~Till next time, my little Ana's~