Alright, so here's how it went down. I was doing great. I ate five carrots for breakfast at 7:30ish am. (25 calories)
Then I finally feel asleep around 9 am. I got up and ate around 5:30ish pm, only 5 carrots, again. (25 calories)
I was sitting around, and it was nearing 7. I started thinking about the skinny cow ice cream bars I had in the freezer, and I started to crave them. I was allowing myself 150 calories, so I got 5 more carrot stick,(25 calories) and munched on those so I didn't binge.
I didn't binge, thank the lord. It was around 8 pm, and I was still doing excellent. My friend Sarah called and wanted to come over so I said sure. I mean why not, she could be my distraction from food, right? She come over, and not more then a half hour later, I found myself sitting on my bed eating those ice cream sandwiches with her. I told myself fit is okay, as long as I don't eat anymore. I then indulged in some more ice cream, then a ham sandwich, coffee with creamer, and some more shit food. I didn't go to far though, I stopped myself before I could even get full. I had self control. I know I screwed up, but it is not like I was fasting or anything, I still have two more days to eat right and shrink my tummy a little bit. I also want to get used to eating little to nothing at all. I am not the one to really dwell on my mistakes. So I got over it, letting myself have nothing else, until tomorrow morning. I figure, tomorrow I will only have 50 calories, 25 for breakfast and 25 for lunch. I will skip dinner.
It's now 11 o'clock. My friend is staying the night, but I'm probably gonna turn in early any way. So I can get up early, eat those carrots, have maybe some coffee, no creamer or anything though, and then do something to burn off those calories.
Alright, bye for now. I plan on sticking to my diet tomorrow. Not eating anything but my carrots and water. (50 calories.) Yes, it is kind of like a punishment. Though not all the way, because I did stop myself from continuing my binge.
~Lots of Love, Tori~