Woke up today around 1 something, went pee and weighed myself. I'm now 152.6 lbs! I'm astonished right now. I lost like, 2 lbs in one day. I did skate board and walk around the mall for ages though, then my nephews came over and I skated and played with them for a while too. Man, a 3 and 2 year old really can get tiring. But, it was worth it. Not only because of the exercise, but because I got to play and love on 2/3rds of my favorite boys. My other nephew didn't come, even though his mum and dad were supposed to, but all well, they took him shopping with them, instead of dropping my little baby Hunter off. He's so chunky, its to adorable. Okay, so I have a weak spot for ears that kind of stick out, and his do! I'm just, it's so cute. I cannot help but fangirl over guys with the smallish ears that sick out a bit. Like Beau Brooks...I love his ears so entirely much!
Here's a picture

Just look at those ears!

Okay now I'm just posting sexy picture's of him.
Aright, I'm done!!! I've got the Beau feels! Need to chill on the pictures and videos of him....Oi, if you don't know, he's part of 'The Janoskians' fucking amaZayn! Look them up on youtube. They're just, funniest shit I've ever seen!!
Okay, well, I'm off to watch some more America's Next Top Model! And drink some more diet coke.
~Till next time, my little Ana's~