Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weight and thinspo!

Just weighed myself. I'm 155, but I had a glass of diet coke and also a little before I had something to eat, added my calories so 498.
I'm drinking another glass of diet coke, to keep me full. I'm also watching America's Next Top Model!! These model's body's are PhenomiNiall! (Pardon me, I'm a Directioner, also a die hard Bielieber, so if I ever spell believe wrong, you know why ;P )
Well, I just thought I'd update, cause I said I would.
Here's some Thinspo, my lovely little Ana's!

“The drape loves you.”

I want that legs
Okay, now some random stuff!
 This could be you, so keep going, love! You know you want to, and can!

I like how it says “we” because it can apply to the fitblr community :)
This is something I'll do every year, on the day I weigh myself and seen my ultimate  goal weight. I'll have like, and anniversary.

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