Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fasting tips and GREAT NEWS!!

Oi, guess what??? It is only 2:56 A.M. and I am already feeling those hunger pains. I LOVE IT! I love feeling hunger. I plan on not drinking any water, to kinda kick start by fasting. It really does help. I'm going to give you all some fasting tips and tricks.

Well, here ya go.

Fasting Tips:

  • Never go into the kitchen, it can throw you off by just looking at the food. So smelling it is way worse. 
  • Try to get in a lot of sleep. Go to be early and try to wake up a little later in the day. I'd say like 11 or 12. Maybe even sleep in to skip a few hours.
  • Sleeping in. Sleeping in is what got me through my fasts. I would sleep and wake up a pound or two lighter. What a great satisfaction, yeah?
  • Keeping water with you at ALL times. Never go anywhere with out it.
  • Do not go out to events. Unless it is a food-less event. Other wise you might crack under the pressure of everyone else eating an the smell of it too.
  • Don't take money with you when you go out. You might be tempted to stop at some near by store or gas station and buy something.
  • Plan it around free times. Never have something big going on while fasting. It could screw up all your hard work.
  • If you must go out, bring gum or something less then 50 calories to eat if you feel yourself caving in.
  • If having friends over is triggering to eat, then don't have them over. Or at least only ever once in a while. Maybe hang out at a place where no food is involved, like a park. Playing may be childish, but hey, your burning calories so fuck it!
  • They exercising is not really intended while fasting, but if you want to just to help lose weight fast, I'd say just walking for a short period of time before bed. It actually relaxes you and could help you fall asleep better.
  • Get lots of rest! You will feel weak, dizzy, faint and getting your rest is HIGHLY recommended!
That is about it at the moment. But i'll probably do some more later.

~Lots of Love, Tori~

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