Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Little update! Sorry guys.

 I'm sorry I haven't been writing as much, I was sort of busy. I had this family reunion, but didn't eat the whole day till then and only ate a little bit till I was full then stopped, even though some of the things were sweets, and I stuck to water and diet pop.
 Weighted myself the day of the reunion, and was 151.4, I worked out when I got home and didn't eat for the rest for the day, and when I weighed myself the next day I was 150.4 so I'm really stoked, and still have been going strong, but have decided to restart the A.b.c. diet, because I really want this to be a perfect, completed diet. I believe I can do this, and with my bud Elle, I know I can do it.
 Today I had 400, but plan on having a yogurt (Fat free), bumping my cals to 490, still under 500, so I'm okay.
 Tomorrow I plan on doing the same thing, and eating the same thing as well.
 If anyone would like to do this diet with me, email me at foxmx98@yahoo.com.
 My buddy is doing a different diet that I made up for her, kind of like the 2468 and A.b.c. It's 200 one day, then 300, then 400 and then 250, then go backwards, and repeat until you are done.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A.b.c. diet day 4!

 Day 4 of the A.b.c. diet is going great. I cannot beliebe this is really working out. Usually a cave on the second day, if I haven't already the night of day 1. So, I am aloud 400, but I have been able to keep it to 183 calories. Well, a diet coke says only 0 but some people say it has 1, so I guess you could say I had 184 calories, if so. I plan on having diet coke the rest of the day, to keep me full and not bothered by food. I love diet coke, so I'd actually rather have that then anything else.
 Okay, so I'm going to start documenting my food consumption, in case anyone would like to know what I eat.

Breakfast: Salad, six leaves, 20 cals-Italian dressing (Fat free), 2 tablespoons, 15 cals-10 blueberries, 7.8 cals.
Lunch: One Yogurt (fat free), 90 cals-10 blueberries, 7.8 cals.
Dinner: Salad, six leaves, 20 cals-Italian dressing (Fat free), 2 tablespoons, 15 cals-10 blueberries, 7.8 cals
The 30 blueberries adds up to 23 cals.
Total intake: 183.

 The weird thing, I add up each thing of 10 blueberries, 7.8 cals, and I get 23.4, but I'm on the same site that says its 7.8 for 10, then I switch it to 30 and it says 23.3 so I'm quite confused. I've checked other sits to be more accurate and they say its 23 cals as well. All, well. Ana tells me it'll all be okay, as long as I'm not over the 400 mark. So since I'm not even over the 200 mark, I'm not really worried, just I'm just really obsessed on knowing the EXACT calories in my intake. But, Ana told me to chill out, or I might start to freak, last time I had a calorie freak out, I binged on every fucking thing my meaty hands could latch onto. So, taking her advise, which is always wise, I'm chilling out and just drinking my diet coke.

~Till next time, my little Ana girls~



Friday, July 12, 2013

A.b.c. diet day 3 (Weight included) Beau Brooks!!!

Woke up today around 1 something, went pee and weighed myself. I'm now 152.6 lbs! I'm astonished right now. I lost like, 2 lbs in one day. I did skate board and walk around the mall for ages though, then my nephews came over and I skated and played with them for a while too. Man, a 3 and 2 year old really can get tiring. But, it was worth it. Not only because of the exercise, but because I got to play and love on 2/3rds of my favorite boys. My other nephew didn't come, even though his mum and dad were supposed to, but all well, they took him shopping with them, instead of dropping my little baby Hunter off. He's so chunky, its to adorable. Okay, so I have a weak spot for ears that kind of stick out, and his do! I'm just, it's so cute. I cannot help but fangirl over guys with the smallish ears that sick out a bit. Like Beau Brooks...I love his ears so entirely much!
Here's a picture
Just look at those ears!
Okay now I'm just posting sexy picture's of him.
  See his ear in this picture...I LOVE IT!!!
     Those eyes, man...those eyes!
Aright, I'm done!!! I've got the Beau feels! Need to chill on the pictures and videos of him....Oi, if you don't know, he's part of  'The Janoskians' fucking amaZayn! Look them up on youtube. They're just,  funniest shit I've ever seen!!
Okay, well, I'm off to watch some more America's Next Top Model! And drink some more diet coke.
~Till next time, my little Ana's~

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Update...becasue I'm FREAKING OUT WITH JOY!!!!

Sorry, just a little stoked right now, so I have to tell who ever even read this! I found this diet pill that my brother took when he lost A LOT of weight. He took it and it expanded in his stomach and he literally would go days with out eating, simply because he didn't feel hungry! I just, I'm amazed. I cannot wait to get my money now! This will help me eat less and still be able to do things, because it gives you energy. So no more weakness because of lack of whatever I'm lacking in. Mhm.....OI! I'm so fucking, just..ajhfksdhgklds!!! I cannot sit still. This will help my dieting so much more. I can take this on my fasting days or really low calorie days during the A.b.c. diet! I can finally feel relief, and actually be able to go near food. My brother, when he took the pill, would go near food and have no cravings or desire for whatever it was, rather a fruit or a big chocolate candy bar, he just felt full like 24/7. Still, this is the most brilLiam thing I have ever herd of! My mind ceases to believe it, but well, my brother speaks the truth...and I was there when he lost all the weight, I just didn't know he was taking that pill. Duuude! He would go running at night and kick boxing! See, my brother is like, my hero. So if he took it and found it okay, and lost weight and became built, then HELL YEAH I'm going to do this. I cannot wait to actually start to see the progress I'm making-even better! My brother noticing and being stunned and very proud, not ashamed to say, that 15 year old girl who's got abs and looks bad-ass, is my little sister! I herd him talking to his friends about me, he said. "She's got this kick-boxing thing down, man. Remembers combinations like that. Next year she's gonna be bad-ass." HE SAID I WOULD BE BAD-ASS!! I really cannot wait for this weight to goooo awaaaaay!! I'm so fucking anxious to even speak or sit still. Or even breath properly! O_O
Okay, so, my goals, before this school year starts, is to be 120 lbs (Less if possible), be training in kick boxing again and to be able to run at least a mile. Those are my really needed goal. I shall start my running tomorrow, kick boxing tomorrow and well, succeed with day 3 of my diet, for 120 lbs! Please, any tips you guys have, cause I know people read this, would be amaZayn! Just, pleeease! Or even just post a link to of tips page would be great. 

Weight and thinspo!

Just weighed myself. I'm 155, but I had a glass of diet coke and also a little before I had something to eat, added my calories so 498.
I'm drinking another glass of diet coke, to keep me full. I'm also watching America's Next Top Model!! These model's body's are PhenomiNiall! (Pardon me, I'm a Directioner, also a die hard Bielieber, so if I ever spell believe wrong, you know why ;P )
Well, I just thought I'd update, cause I said I would.
Here's some Thinspo, my lovely little Ana's!

“The drape loves you.”

I want that legs
Okay, now some random stuff!
 This could be you, so keep going, love! You know you want to, and can!

I like how it says “we” because it can apply to the fitblr community :)
This is something I'll do every year, on the day I weigh myself and seen my ultimate  goal weight. I'll have like, and anniversary.

Ana Boot Camp (A.B.C. diet) day 2!!!!!

So, today went excellent. I had only 465 calories. I can have 35 more, but I choose to save that for night time, I tend to get hungrier then and want to binge.
I just got back from the mall, and before hand I skated around to this place called Bosos and I got a pickle and a large water. I went with my sister, Mary. At the mall, I seen these really dope looking Penny board. Its just, dude, I'm so stoked to get it! I'm getting it when I get my money next. Should be soon. Oi, I cannot wait for this A.b.c Diet to really kick in. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 154.8 when I was 158 about a few days before, then I actually made it up to 159.2 sooo THAT GOT MY LAZY ASS BACK ON TRACK!
Any way, I'm bout to have a friend come over and board around. I also plan on going to the gym later on around, 7 maybe. It's 5:57 at the moment, so yeah.
Well, I'll weigh myself a little later, and then post my weight and other stuff. Oi, I also have some amazing thinspo, so that will also be in the next post!
~Till next time, my little Ana's~

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ana Boot Camp (A.b.c. diet) day 1

Well, today's been great. So far I've had less then 436 calories. YAY ME!! 1 day down, 49 to go. Well, tomorrow is 500 calories (or less) so I know I can do this, because it was extremely hard to make myself eat more then 90 calories. So tomorrow I just have to make sure I eat 500, maybe a tad less. Then so forth and so forth.
Right now I'm off to rent a few movies, (To keep busy) and get some yogurt.
~Till next time, my little Ana's~

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Carly and Penny boards!! Also diet plan.

Forgot to mention this. The diet I'm starting with Carly, is the A.B.C. diet. Her step mom makes sure she eats. Not cause she knows about her not eating, just cause she does for some reason. Any way, on the days we have to fast, she'll be staying the night, so we'll probably be posting a lot of thinspo to keep us going. She also might be part of my blog too. Let's hope she is. She's really cool too, so I'm happy I found her. She's a grade younger, but who the hell cares, yeah? Aha. Alright, well later. Bout to go night boarding!!! I fuckin love Penny boards!!!

BLAH!!!! I don't even know?

So, I just met this girl named Carly. Well, actually I met her a little bit ago, just we really, just, started hanging out a lot. Turns out, she's really just like me. Trying to lose weight. She weights about 20 lbs more then me, but all well. I can't judge her at all! I shared some of my diet pills with her and she shared some of hers with me. I went with her to Michigan for about 3 days. I made a diet plan and set up my pill taking plan and how much, but for both of us. We did really great, actually. I have got back on my board, and found out she skateboards as well. See, I'm so in-love with skateboarding, that when I plan on boarding, I do it morning till I have to go home, and even then I just skate around my street, but I never ever stop to eat, I never want to, I'm to into boarding to even care about my rumbling tummy. I finally found my great distraction. I also never bring money with me, so that way I'm never tempted. And since I'm out, I'm not even around food. If my dad hands me money as I go out the door. usually I'm quick to spend it on a some water or Arizona tea up at 7-11. The first like, week of boarding around, when I started it up again, I weighed myself on like, the fourth day of skating and I weighed 157, the next day I weighed in I was 156, then the next was 153!!! I was so amazing. That I could be so in-gaged on just cruising around and listen to music with my friend/s, I can lose that much in just a little time.
Tomorrow, expect some thinspo!!!