Thursday, August 1, 2013


My body moves effortlessly over to my closet. Too ugly. Too small. Too big. What the? I stop the pointless cycle, with no knowledge of what I'm going to wear. You see, it's my first day in a new school. I'm horrified, anxious and on a ticking time bomb!
I want this year to be excellent but, with my luck, I'll screw it up within the first hour. An inhuman noise made its way up my throat and out my mouth.
The door knob wiggles and the large piece of wood noisily moves, till a pint-sized figure was in view; my little sister. "Sissy, did you say something?" Her eyes desperately held a spark of hope, but it vanished the second I shook my head 'no'. "Oh. Well breakfast is ready." A bitty expression of friendliness dashed across her rims, and I felt mine divert into a horseshoe shape. Glum then dangled from her brimming eyes, before she perished from my vision.


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